Travis Neufeld Marketing Director and Award-Winning Filmmaker black and white headshot

I have a very particular set of skills.

I got my start as a filmmaker, designer, and art director in the film industry before moving into the nonprofit sector as a communications professional and eventually becoming a Director of Communication & Marketing. This combination of experiences has given me a unique skill set, including brand strategy, graphic design, communications & public relations, digital marketing, and cinematic videography & professional video production.

As an award-winning independent filmmaker and screenwriter, I wrote, directed, and produced a short film called The Tinwife, which premiered at CINEQUEST in 2017 and went on to play the international festival circuit and win several awards, including Best North American Short, Best Short Screenplay, and Best Sci-Fi Short. I recently launched Travisty Studios, a production company that develops and produces grounded, thought-provoking, and propulsive genre projects across film, tv, and digital platforms.